Friday 19 April 2013

Sending Material Master from Source System to (800) to Receiver (810) In ALE IDOCs

Sending material master from source system to (800) to receiver (810)


Sender System

Step 1: Define Logical system (SALE): is the representation of an R/3 or external system in SAP R/3 for the distribution of data to and from the R/3 System

Step 2: Assign client to Logical System

Step 3: Maintain RFC destinations (SM59): In the RFC Destination we provide the receiver system details(IP address) and log on details of the receiver client.

Step 4: Maintain PORT (WE21): is a logical representation of a communication channel in SAP.

It defines the medium of transferring data.

There are four types of ports that can be defined in R/3: tRFC, File, R/2, and Internet.

Step 5: Maintain outbound partner profile (WE20): is an identifier for a system used for communicating messages. There are four types of partner profiles: KU for Customer, LI for Vendor, B for Bank, and LS for Logical System. KU, LI, and B are used for EDI partners, while LS is used for ALE communications

Step 6: Maintain Distribution model (BD64)

Step 7: Run the Outbound Program

Receiver System

Step 1: Define Logical system (SALE)

Step 2: Assign client to Logical System

Step 3: Optional

Step 4: Optional

Step 5: Maintain inbound partner profile (WE20)

Step 6: Not Required

Step 7: Not Required

Standard Outbound Idoc Process for standard Message Type MATMAS



·         Create the Logical System

Go to SALE transaction

Expand the Basic settings, Logical Systems


·         Click on new entries.

Enter the logical system names as



shown below in the screen.

 Click on save button.

 and click on back.


·         Assign the Logical System(LOGSYS1) to Client 811, this is our sender system here.

      Select the client -----sender and click on Details icon.


 And then assign the logical system (LOGSYS1) -----sender to the client as shown below in the screen.


  Click on save button.

 and click on back.

    Then double click on 812 client and give LOGSYS2 as Logical System name for the receiver system.

click on save button and go back.

=> Then maintain the RFC destination in SM59
·         Go to SM59 and choose ABAP connections and click on create button.
·          Give RFC Destination name as LOGSYS2 (any name can be given, but generally receiver logical system is preferred).
·         Enter the Details as shown in the screens below:

 Provide the Hostname.

Provide Language, Client, Username, Password.       


Then click on Remote Log on automatically. It will switch to 812 client.       

·         Maintaining the PORT.
                  Go to  WE21
                  Select the Transactional RFC then click on create


   Click on Enter.(here we can also create our own port name by selecting radio button own port name).

  Give the description and RFC destination(LOGSYS2)
Then click on save .
Now the Port is created.
=>Then maintain the outbound partner profile in we20.
Goto we20.
Choose Partner Type LS and click on Create.
Enter the following partner details of the receiver .

Click on Save button and then back.
We can the see the outbound parameter details as shown below
Similarly create the Partner Profile for LOGSYS1.
=>Maintain the Distribution Model.
Goto BD64.

A Pop up window is displayed
Provide the short description and Technical name details as shown in the below screen.

And then click on Enter.
Now select the “ Master Data Distribution” and click on “Add Message Type”  button.
Provide the sender and receiver details.

And then clik on Enter.

Click on save button.
If the Partner profile is not created manually through we20.
Then , goto ‘Environment’ in the menu and click on generate partner profile.
The following screen is displayed

   Click on Execute.

Here we can observe that LOGSYS2 is already exists, since we have created that manually.
For the sender the sender client we have not created any partner profile before so it has created the profile for LOGSYS1.
We have completed the outbound settings, so therefore we can send the Idoc.

Inbound Configuration Settings:

 To receive the idoc at the receiver client we have to maintain the Inbound settings.

Since here we are 811 and 812 clients are from the same server we have already created
We can see the sender and receiver systems in the transaction ‘SALE’.

Now LOGON to 812 client.
Goto the transaction WE20, select Partner Type LS and click on Create button.

Provide the Details in the fields shown below and click on Inbound Parameters

   Enter the Message Type and Process Code

And click on SAVE button.
The Inbound configuration settings are also completed so therefore we can check the idoc list now in the client 812 and see the received idoc .
To send the idoc through the standalone program, Goto BD10.

Provide the Material and  Message Type.

Execute the WE02/WE05 to check the idoc number  and the Data records and the status of the idoc.


Click on execute.

The idoc list will be displayed. We can all the details related to idocs.
Double click on the idoc to see the details of the particular idoc.

Now we  have completed the outbound settings and also generated the outbound idoc.

Let us now see the inbound idoc.

Logon to the client 812.

Execute the Transaction code WE05/WE02.

To see the inbound idoc, provide ‘2’ in the direction box.

The list of inbound idocs are generated as shown below.

Double click on the idoc to see the details.

So, the idoc has been successfully received at the client 812.

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