Thursday 19 April 2012

Ale Idocs Faqs

1. how many type of records in Idoc?
Ans). IDoc have a 3 types of Records
     1.Control Record Record  
     3.status record

2. what is the table for trfc port
Ans).  'TidDatabaseConnectionString' this is the type of            port for processing idoc's.

3. Without using the distribution model, can we send data from one system to another system by using ALE?
Ans). no we con't send.because When ever we try to send an IDOC  
it checks with distribution model and is there any
filtering is defind or not, if it is defined then checks
with filter data and then it checks with reciver and

4. what is the difference between template and table in smartforms?
Ans 1). template is a static and table is dynamic
maximum we prefer table only
Ans 2). table node:tables are dynamic because the table size depend on the amount of tha data selected at runtime.
Templete node:templetes are static because the no of column 
and lines are determind before the actual output.
5. What is the main difference between ALE/IDOC and BAPI ?
Ans. ALE/IDocs are used for asynchronous information 
interchange.while BAPIs are used for synchronous 
information interchange
6. can we, generate i doc for more than 1 vendor.
i.e can we generate idoc for more than 1 po order
7. what is the diff between sap memory and abap memory?
Ans)1. abap memory comes on application server and sap memory 
comes on database server
8. i was sent 10 records using outbound in ale/idoc 8 records are up dated in data base tables what happend remaing records did not showing error in we02
Ans. I understand u r trying to generate the idocs with 10 
records, and u find only 8 (records) idocs created rest
(records) are missing.
Check with the filter set up for the records for its 
receiving partner system(logical system). 
Correct the filters then try regenarating the idocs(missing 
9. Where all the Idocs get stored after creation?
Ans. EDIDC stores control/header record.
    EDIDD/EDID4 stores data records.
    EDIDS stores status records.
10. what is the difference between repair and correction in sap.
Ans. SAP system present in customer environment is copy of
original system which is at SAP itself. That means all the
objects present in customer environment are copy of the
object originally created in SAP environment.
So, If we modify copy of object then it is called as repair
and assigned to development task repair. Repair of object is
also called as modification.
Whereas if we modify object in it's original system where it
is actually created may it be SAP system or the objects
created by customer in customer environment. Then such
changes is called as corrections and assigned to task
Ans. BD87 will process existing IDOC without generating a new 
WE19 will ignore the error IDOC and generate a new one 
after correction
12. which type of workprocess can execute only once in r/3 system(sap)?
Ans. Dialog work processor
13. Can we attach more than one messages with One IDOC?
Ans. Yes, It is possible to have an idoc with mutiple message 
14. Suppose their is one sender and we have three recievers.While generating an IDOC will it generate 3 IDOC's for threereceivers? Please explain in detail how the flow goes from
outbound to inbound systems?
Ans. in SALE we maintain the Sendor as well as three Receivers
(how many receivers to send the same idoc),and assign the sendor in sendor system as well as assign receivers in receivers system(sale-->assignment) three receivers.
maintain the RFC destination on sendor side and all 
receiver side also (sm59).
maintain the port for sendor and three receivers.
maintain the sendor and all receivers for a same message 
type in distribution model.(bd64)
maintain the partner profiles for sendor and all receiver 
side also (we20).
execute the outbound program(idoc generation)like BD12 for 
DEBMAS message type .
check out the status using we02 or we05.
15. where to see idoc in inbound side whether it is received in receiver system or not?
Ans. You can Use the Tcode BDM2..
Through this tcode you can view the Sending system Idoc 
Number and Corresponding recieving System Idoc number... status also you can get from this Tcode..
or elso note down the Corresponding Idoc number and check in WE02..
16. when idoc is created in which table its stored ...
Ans. EDID4 is the table to store data segments (EDIDD is the 
structue, not a table)
17. What is actual role of an abaper in ALE-IDOCS and also wt abaper do in case of CHANGE POINTERS.
Ans. change pointers technique is used when u want to send only
changes that are occured to the data in the do
this 3 tcodes are needed.
BD21 (or) execute RBDMIDOC
18. What is idoc? What is the structure of idoc?
Ans. idoc stands for intermediate documents,it is used for data
sending current system to remote system .
the structure of idocs is
1. data records
2. control records
3. status recors
          these are stored in sap tables like that.
19. what are the main transaction used for IDOCs
Ans. Use Area menu.
List all the releavent IDOC transactions..
20. How to create an Idoc & Attached to SAP Transaction? For example we want to trigger IDOC To other system when we Save the PO Via ME21N.
Ans. To create an Idoc.
1. Create message type.
2. Attach basic types of IDOC to message type.
3. Attach FM to the message type combination of IDOC types
4. Creat a process code and attach message type to it.
5. Create a Partner function through WE20. Add an message  
   type in the outbound paramater.
6. Have an entry of port name and basic types (IDoc types) 
   in the outbound options tab
7. Add and an entry in the message control option with the 
   output type (ME21N- Output type) and the process code.
8. When you db click on the process code the FM should 
9. When an output is triggered in the ME21N transaction wit 
the EDI output medium. The idoc will be triggered
21. What is IDOC Extention. & How to do it?
Ans. idoc exetension is nothing but a to add the some more
functinality to the basic idoc. that is called the idoc
exetension. this is done by using the transaction code we30.
and go select the radiobutton like "exetension".
22. How to Handle the IDOC Errors using Messages?
23. how to send the idoc to multiple sub systems?
Ans. if you are sending one idoc is to more systems you are 
create one sender logical system and more recive logical 
systems in T.CODE is SALE. then yoou are send In T.CODE 

24. What is the difference Between IDOC type and Message type? How to link the IDOC type with Message type?

Ans. Message type gives the meaning of the IDOC and IDOC type gives the structure of an IDOC.

The linkage will happen in WE82.

In the OO(Object Oriented) approach, Message Type can be refferred to a Class and IDOC Type as an instance of the classMessage Type

25. Where the IDOC information gets stored?

Stores the Control information an IDOC
Stores the Data Records from 4.0 onwards 
Stores the Status of an IDOC
26. What is process code? What are type of process codes
Ans. Process code refers to an workflow or a function module which helps in reading or writing data from/to Idoc. Following are types of process code

         Process Code                                           Description
1.OutBound   Process Code   - -- -----------   This will read application data and place data in Idoc
2. InBound     Process Code  -----------------  This will Idoc and create corresponding application data
3.System        Process Code   ----------------- This will create work item in case some error occurs in
                                                                         indoc/application document Processing
4.Status          Process Code   -----------------  This will Handle Error that occurs when a idoc is sent
                                                                         to some other staus process code.

27. How to reprocess an IDOC?
Ans. You can use the below Programs for IDocs Reprocessing:
  • RBDMANI2 : Reprocess Idocs manually
  • RBDMANIN : Posting of IDocs with Status 51
  • RBDMOIND : Outbound Idocs status 03->12
  • RSEOUT00 : For Processing 30 Status IDocs
  • RBDAPP01 : For Processing 64 Status IDocs
  • RBDAGAIN : Reprocess Incorrect Outbound IDocs
  • RBDAGAI2 : Reprocessing of IDocs after ALE Input Error
28.  How to trace the IDocs of the Receiving system from the Sending system?
Ans. Steps:
  • Execute the transaction BD87
  • Give the Outbound IDocs in the IDoc Number field and execute or Just Note the Start time and End time when u execute the Master Data Transaction say for eg.BD10 and specify the same in the Time Created input field of BD87,also give the Message Type and the Receiving System Names and execute.
  • Select the Repective Message Type and Press the Trace IDoc Button.
29. How to trace IDocs based on the data .
Ans. Steps:
  • Execute Transaction WE09
  • Put in the message type name in the field labeled 'Logical Message' Ex - DEBMAS
  • Now we will move to the section 'Criteria for Search in Data Records '
  • In this section we will put the Segment name in which we want to search the existance of data in the field labeled 'Search in Segment' EX - E1KNA1M
  • In the field labeled 'Search in Field' we will put the field name of the segment in which we want to search the existance of data. Ex - KUNNR for searching IDOCs for certain customer number.
  • Now in the field labeled 'For Value' we will put the search value. Ex - Customer number as 100 .
  • We will now execute the transaction.
  • The result can be a single Idoc or a list of multiple IDOCS depending upon the Search Criteria entered.
30. How to Send and Receive an IDoc in the same system.
Ans. Steps :
  • Create a Dummy Logical System.
    • Goto T-Code SALE-> sending and Receiving Systems -> Logical Systems -> New entries.Enter SYSID_CLNT, but this one is Dummy so use the first 2 characters of the SYSID and prefix 'D' then underscore and then the Client number.
    • E.g.: If ERP_100 is the logical system of the R/3 then create ERD_100 as the dummy system.
  • Create Port for the Original System, (ERP_100)
    • Goto WE21 and select Transactional Port and press the Create button. Name the Port as "SAP" contatenated with the SYSID in our example it would be SAPERP Select the appropriate version and enter the RFC dest of the system that you are working on in this case it will be 'ERP'.
  • Create Partner Profile in partner type LS:
    • Receiver Side ( Outbound to ) : In Partner type LS nameERD_100create the Outbound Parameters, give the Message type, Receiver Port same as the port we created in step 2. Enter the Basic type.
    • Sender Side ( Inbound From ): In partner type LS nameERP_100 create the Inbound Parameters, give the appropriate message type and the process code.
  • Now create the stand alone program to send the IDoc:
    • The program will at some point calls the MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE function module. When you pass the EDIDC structure it will be populated as follows:
      i_edidc-mestyp =
       message type.
      i_edidc-idoctp =
       basic type.
      i_edidc-rcvprt = 'LS'.
      Concatenate 'SAP' sy-sysid into l_port.
      i_edidc-RCVPOR = l_port.
      i_edidc-rcvprn = 'ERD_000'.
      CONCATENATE sy-sysid '_' sy-mandt
      INTO l_sndprn.
      i_edidc-SNDPRN = l_sndprn.
      i_edidc-sndprt = 'LS'.
      i_edidc-sndpor = l_port.
  • Observe that the Sender port and the receiver port is the same, this does the trick. The outbound Idoc is sent on the port SAPERP with the Sender as ERP_100 and receiver as ERD_100 and then the Inbound Idoc is also sent to the same port SAPERP with the Sender as ERP_100 and receiver as ERD_10
IDocs are processed by a function module, which are mapped against in table EDIFCT. When you process an IDoc with BD87 you can have a breakpoint in the function and it will stop.
For outbound processing it depends on which program is sending the IDoc. For transactional data like
purchase orders, the IDoc is created via RSNAST00 which in turn calls a function module assigned to the processing code (BD41).
.Message Control Tecnique:
to create a message control:

if you want to send a po go to  <me21n> select/create the click /messages/ enter details of output type, medium
and partner , also configure the same in <nace>.

go to <we20>
select the vendor and double click the message type will
take to another screen.
click message control and enter the details with respect
to /messages/ and give the process code & save.

message control will be created.

What is IDOC Extention. & How to do it?

Ans. idoc exetension is nothing but a to add the some more
functinality to the basic idoc. that is called the idoc
exetension. this is done by using the transaction code we30.
and go select the radiobutton like "exetension".

Abap Interview Questions



Q1)?  What are the function modules used in ALV?
           are the function modules used in ALV.

  • The important function modules are:
  • Reuse_alv_list_display
  • Reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge
  • Reuse_alv_events_get
  • Reuse_alv_commentary_write
  • Reuse_alv_grid_display

Q2)    What is the difference between classical reports & ALV reports?
Ans:-                     Classical                                       ALV
1)    In classical reports, we can not        1) In ALV reports, we can
display logos.                                       display logos.
2)    System functionalities like sum,      2) All system functionalities
Ascending, descending all these          are available in ALV reports.
Are not available in classical

     Q3)?   What are the events in ALV report?
     Ans:-   In ALV reports, we have only one event and that is
                “ USERCOMMAND” event.

These are the main events that are used in an ALV report.

     Q4)+ How to provide the menu button functionality?
     Ans:- By using ‘SET PF STATUS’, we can provide menu button (our own)          

     Q5)+ Where will you create functional keys?
     Ans:- By using “Menu Painter” we can create functional keys.
               The Transaction code of the menu painter is SE41.

     Q6)+ How will you include a logo in ALV?
     Ans:- By using a function module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE,
               we can include a logo in ALV. Transaction code for uploading the logo
               is ‘OAER’.

     Q7)  How will you provide edit functionality in ALV?
     Ans:- To provide edit functionality in ALV, we have to set the
               parameter is_layout-edit  =  ‘x’, in the function module

     Q8)  How to display totals and subtotals in ALV?
     Ans:- In field catalog, we have an option called DO_SUM. By using this
               option, we can display totals and subtotals in ALV.


     Q1)+ What is enhancement?
     Ans:- SAP provided some loopholes to enhance the standard functionality.
               These are called as enhancements. Through Enhancements, we can
               add our own functionality to SAP’s standard business applications
               without modifying the original application. We can create
               enhancements for specific programs, screens and menus.
     Q2)+  How can you implement enhancements?
               What are the enhancement types?
      Ans:- Depending on their enhancement approach, enhancements are divided
                into 2 types. One is Customer exit and another type is BADIs. So, by
                using customer exits and BADIs, we can implement enhancements.
     Q3)+  What is the difference between customer exits & BADIs?
     Ans:-             Customer exits                                     BADIs
               1) In customer exits, we do                  1) In BADIs, we do enhancements
                   enhancements in procedural               in Object Oriented approach,                                          
                   Approach, that is, By using                that is by using Classes &
                   function modules.                               Methods.                                                                  
               2) Through customer exits, we can      2) Through BADIs, multiple
                   Implement enhancement only              functionalities are possible.
                   One time.      
     Q4)+  How many types of user exits?
     Ans:-  Totally 3 types of user exits.
                1)Menu exit: Menu exits are used to enhance the menu options. By
                                      Using menu exits, we can add items to the pulldown
                                      Menus in standard SAP applications.
                2)Screen exit: Screen exits are used to enhance the screen. By using
                                        Screen exits, we can add fields to screens in R/3 application.
                3)Function Module exit: Function module exits add functionality to
                                                          R/3 applications. They play a  key role in
                                                          both menu and screen exits. When you add
                                                          a new menu item to a standard pulldown
                                                          menu, you have to use a function module
                                                          exit to define the actions that should take
                                                          place once your menu is activated.

     Q5)+  What is the disadvantage of menu exit?
     Ans:-  The disadvantage of menu exit is, we can not enhance menu options
                Individually. For example, if we want to change a menu option from
               ‘Disable mode’ to ‘Enable mode’, irrespective of our requirement, all
                the menu options are enabled. That is the disadvantage of menu Exit.  

     Q6)+   How to find out the user exit?                                   
     Ans:-   à Execute Transaction code SE93 to find out the package
                 à Open the transaction in Display mode
                 à Double Click on ‘program’ to open it
                 à Go to à Attributes  & find out the package
                 à execute transaction code ‘SMOD’ to find out the
                      enhancement from the already identified package
                 à press F4, provide package name & press ‘Enter’.
                      Then we can get the available enhancements

     Q7)+   How to implement the user exit?
     Ans:-   à execute transaction code ‘CMOD
                 à provide ‘project name’ & click on ‘Create’.
                 à provide ‘Short text’ & Save it.
                 à Click on ‘Enhancement assignments’
                 à Here we can implement user exits.

     Q8)+   How to find out the BADIs?
     Ans:-   à Execute Transaction code SE93 to find out the package
                 à Open the transaction in Display mode
                 à Double Click on ‘program’ to open it
                 à Go to à Attributes  & find out the package
                 à execute transaction code ‘SE80’ to find out the
                      BADIs from the already identified package
                 à provide package name & Click on ‘Display
                      Here we can see the BADIs list.

     Q9)+   How to implement BADIs?
     Ans:-   We can implement BADIs by using Transaction code ‘SE19’.
                 à Execute Transaction code SE19
                 à Provide ‘Implementation Name’ & Click on ‘Create’.
                 à Provide the ‘name of the add-in’.
                 à Provide ‘Short text’ & Click on ‘Interface’ tab.
                 à Notice the list of methods & Find out the right method
                      to implement. (by reading the description and documentation
                      of each method.)


     Q1)+ How many types of interfaces?
     Ans:- We have 2 types of Interfaces. One is, Outbound Interface
               and 2nd type is Inbound interface.
               a)Outbound interface:  is used to extract the data from SAP.
               b)Inbound interface:     is used to upload the data into SAP.

     Q2)+ How many types of tools we have for uploading data?
     Ans:- We have 4 tools for uploading data.
               a)Legacy system migration workbench (LSMW):
                  For uploading mass data from NonSAP-SAP & SAP-SAP.
               b)Batch Data Communication (BDC):
                   For uploading mass data from NonSAP-SAP & SAP-SAP
                   Through screens
              c)Business Application Programming Interfaces(BAPIs):
                 For uploading & for downloading the data
              d)Application Linking & Enabling(ALE/IDocs):
                 For uploading & for downloading the data.
     Q3)   What is the difference between RFC and Function module?
     Ans:-             Function module                           RFC
               1) In function modules, all types     1) In RFC, all types of parameters  
                   Of parameters are passed by         Are passed by value.
               2) We can access only from SAP  2) We can access from Non SAP
   System.                                           Also.

     Q4) What is the difference between RFC(Remote Function Call) & BAPI?
     Ans:- If you include a RFC in business object repository through transaction
              Code ‘SW01’, then that RFC will become a BAPI.

     Q5) What are all the BAPIs you have worked/created recently?
     Ans:-                       (depends on resume.) 

     Q6)+ What is the difference between BDC & BAPI?
     Ans:-                BDC                                                BAPI
1)    In BDC, Data will be uploaded  1) In BAPI, Data will be uploaded
     through screens.                             through Function modules.
2)    Through BDC,Uploading the     2) Through BAPI, uploading And
     data is only possible.                       Downloading the data both are                       


     Q1)+ What is the structure used in BDC to Upload the data?
     Ans:- BDCDATA is the structure used in BDC to Upload the data

     Q2)+ What are the update modes available in Call Transaction method?
     Ans:- 2 update modes.
1)    Asynchronous update :
*In this mode, the called transaction does not wait for any updates
  It produces to be completed.
*Execution is faster when compared to synchronous update.
*It is not recommended for processing any larger amount of
 Data why because error analysis and recovery is less convenient.
2)    Synchronous update :
*In this mode, the called transaction waits for any updates that
  It produces to be completed.
*Execution is slower when compared to Asynchronous update.
*The called transaction is able to return any update error
  Messages. So, error analysis and recovery is much easier.

     Q3)+   What are the display modes available in Call Transaction method?
     Ans:- There are 3 display modes in Call Transaction method.
                   A -  display All screens
                          All screens and the data that goes in them appear when we
                          Run the program.
                   NNo screens (Background processing)    
                          All screens are processed invisibly, regardless of whether
                          there are errors or not. Control returns to the program as
                          soon as transaction processing is finished.
                   E -  display Error screens only
                          The transaction goes into display mode as soon as an error
                          In one of the screens is detected. We can then correct the
     Q4)+ What is the default updation mode in Call Transaction method?
     Ans:- Asynchronus updation is the default updation mode in call transaction                                          
               method. In Asynchronus updation, if an error occurs while updating The
               database, It skips the error record and continues the updating process.

     Q5)+ What is the default updation mode in Session method?
     Ans:- Synchronus updation is the default updation mode in Session
               Method. In Synchronus updation, if an error occurs while updating
               The database, the updating process will be stopped at that point.

     Q6)+ What are the function modules used in Session method?
     Ans:- (explanation - BDC 1pg of session method)  
               3 function modules are used in session method.

     Q7)+ What is the difference between Call Transaction method & Session    
     Ans:-          Call Transaction                                    Session
1)    In Call transaction method, data    1) Whereas in Session method,
Updation will take place at the          a session will be created and
Moment of execution of the              we can run that session at the
program.                                             background At any time.
                2)  In Call transaction, only one             2) In Session method, multiple  
                     Transaction can be processed         Transactions can be processed   
                     Always.                                              Through the same session.
                3)  Error handling is explicit               3) Error handling is implicit   
Functionality in Call Transaction     functionality in Session
Method.                                              Method.  
 4) Faster bcz it is Asynchronous        4) Slower bcz it is Synchronous
Update.                                               Update.
                5)  Returns the SY-SUBRC.             5) Doesn’t return the SY-SUBRC.
     Q8)+   How to handle the errors in Call Transaction method?
     Ans:- We can handle the errors in Call Transaction method, by using a function
               Module FORMAT_MESSAGE.

     Q9)+  What is the complete syntax of Call Transaction?
     Ans:- CALL TRANSACTION <TCODE>  “Transaction code                     C
                           USING <IT_BDCDATA>      “Itab of structure BDCDATA    U
                           MODE <A/E/N>                     “display mode                             M
                           UPDATE <A/S>                     “update mode                              U
                           MESSAGES INTO <IT_BDCMSGCOLL>.                           M


     Q1)+ How to get the checkboxes side by side/in a single line?
              How to place the selection screen elements in a single line?
     Ans:- By default, each selection screen element is placed in a new line, and
               More than one element can be placed in the same line also. That is, by 
               placing them in between the ‘SELECTION SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE’,
               ‘SELECTION SCREEN END OF LINE’.    

                            SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE.
                              *provide the selection screen elements
                            SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE.
                         SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK B1.

              The elements within the same line loose the selection text by default. And
              which can be provided through “SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT”.

                           SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE.
                             SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 5(10) TEXT-003.
                             *provide the selection screen elements
                           SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE.
                         SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK B1.

     Q2)+ How to create the text for check boxes?
              How to provide user-friendly descriptions for selection screen elements?
     Ans:- To provide user-friendly descriptions for selection screen elements,
               Path: Go to àText elements à Selection texts
               Enter the text, save it & activate it.

     Q3)+ How to disable a field on selection screen?
     Ans:- We can disable a field on selection screen, by using “AT SELECTION
               SCREEN OUTPUT” event. In this event, loop the screen and in the loop,
               We have to keep SCREEN-INPUT = ‘0’ for that particular field.

     Q4)+ How to validate the entered values of the selection-screen?
     Ans:- By using the event “AT SELECTION SCREEN”, we can validate
              the entered values of the selection-screen. This event triggers before       
              leaving the selection-screen and this event is not only used to validate
              the input of the selection-screen but also used to display user friendly     
              messages on the selection-screen itself.
              The input is valid only when there is at least one record found in
              The master data. If a record found, then SY-SUBRC value becomes
              ‘0’, if recode not found, then its value becomes <> ‘0’. In this way,
              we can validate the entered values of the selection-screen.
     Q5)+ What are the events in reports?
     Ans:-  1)    INITIALIZATION
7)     TOP-OF-PAGE
8)     END-OF-PAGE

     Q6)+ What are the different techniques used in “AT LINE SELECTION”?
     Ans:- 1) SY-LISEL
               2) HIDE
               3) GET CURSOR

     Q7)+ How many secondary lists can we create in reports?
     Ans:- 20 secondary lists.
     Q8)+ How many types of messages we have in reports?    
     Ans:- 1) Error message (E)
               2) Warning message (W)
               3) Information message (I)
               4) Abort message (X)
               5) Termination message (A)
              6) Status message (s)
     Q9)+ In how many ways, can we display messages?
     Ans:- 2 ways.
1)    MESSAGE E001(message class).
2)    MESSAGE ‘message text’ type ‘E’.

     Q10)+How to create message class?
     Ans:- We can create message class, by using transaction code SE91.

     Q11)+How to validate the group of fields?
     Ans:- We can validate the group of fields by using ‘chain’ and ‘endchain’.
               That is, If the validation has to be done for more than one field, then, in
               That situation, those fields are placed between ‘chain’ and ‘endchain’.
     Q12) What are the control break events?
     Ans:- 1) AT FIRST: to display the starting text
               2) AT LAST: to display the ending text
               3) AT NEW: to display the starting text of the subgroup
               4) AT END: to display the ending text of the subgroup
               5) ON CHANGE OF:

       AT FIRST---->this is used for system field heading in
                      ABAP  program.
         AT NEW------>this is used to display the fields.
         AT END------>this is used for row-wise calculation i.e, 
         AT LAST----->this is used for calculation of grand total.

General questions:-

     Q1)+ What are your Roles & Responsibilities in your project?
     Ans:- a) Preparing the technical specifications according to the functional                                
               b) Developing the code according to the client requirement.
               c) Unit testing and performance tuning of the program.

     Q2)+ How will you get the work?
     Ans:- My team lead allots the work through mail.

     Q3)+ What are the positions in your company?
     Ans:- àAssociate Software Engineer
                   à Software Engineer
                        à Senior Software Engineer
                             à Team lead
                                  à Project manager
                                       à Delivery lead

     Q4)+ What are the types of projects?
     Ans:- 2 types of projects.
1)    End-to-End Implementation
2)    Support project

     Q5)+ Which tool are you using for getting tickets(Change request)?    
     Ans:- By using Remedy tool we get the tickets.

     Q6)+ Transaction codes? +
     Ans:-           ABAP Dictionary -   SE11              (Data dictionary)  
               ABAP Program Editor -  SE38
                 Transaction Recorder -  SHDB             (BDC)
                               Form Painter -  SE71               (SAP Scripts)
                       SAP Smart Forms -  SMARTFORMS
                         Function Builder -  SE37               (Function Modules)
                             Screen painter -  SE51               (Module pool programming)
                                    Menu painter -  SE41

                     To find out the Package  -  SE93
           To find out the Customer Exit  -  SMOD
       To Implement the Customer exit  - CMOD
                          To find out the BADI  -  SE80
                     To Implement the BADI  -  SE19
Real time questions:-      

     Q1)+ What is the landscape of your company?
     Ans:- Our company is having 3 servers named as
1)    Development server:  CCD (only for Developers)
2)    Quality server:  CCQ (for testing the Quality)
3)    Production server:  CCP (For End users)

Development server has 2 clients: 100 and 500.
Quality server has          1 client:   100.
Production server has     1 client:   100.

     Q2)+ How will you transport your transport request?
     Ans:- By using transaction code SE09 or SE10, we transport our
               requests from Development server to Quality server.

     Q3)+ How will you interact with your functional consultants?
     Ans:- Depending on the requirement, Sometimes I use to call them directly
               And sometimes in presence of my TL.

What is your reliant experience?     Experience:
What is your Current salary?      Current salary:
How much you are expecting? Expected salary:
How many days?                          Notice period: